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Writer's picture: Michael McGrathMichael McGrath

THE TRUTH ABOUT TARA - Archdruid McGrath vindicated ! Carmel Diviney, Tara Calling: The Desecration of a Sacred Landscape, Book Review What actually occurred at the Hill of Tara, in County Meath, Ireland from 2003 or earlier, until 2010 and up until today. There are many sources of information including mainstream news items and indymedia which detail the conjecture and controversy.Arguments and rivalries aside ploughing through all the information reveals (some) very different stories.This very emotive issue in this piece is directed at learning from mistakes and protecting heritage. Carmel Diviney and/or has contributed to the events from her standpoint as a Tara protestor from April 2007, and she is also a Stakeholder in the Tara / Skryne Preservation Group, which also shares its title or ambitions with Meath County Councils Tara / Skryne Landscape Project in which Carmel Diveney also seems to be a stakeholder The book concentrates on the period 2007 – 2010, and many groups and participants considered the protest over by 2007, (see next link) but it had actually began years before this period. Many Druid groups considered the protest over in 2007. The destruction of over 50 pagan era graves was accepted happily by some at the Solstice in 2005 ? Diviney suggests 26 sites were known of then, but were not fully recorded in 2004, only 2 were in the national register of monuments, this was raised to 46 in later 2004. Having attended at Tara on many occasions, no one I know has been asked to contribute to the book. I attended the Tara Summer Solstice in 2005, and the Tara/Road issue was discussed at this Solstice as many feared it would be the last occasion a peaceful and quiet Solstice would pass if the road went ahead as planned. The Solstice has been documented here (26.6.2005 entitled Tara Summer Solstice 2005 Caroline Kenner ) From memory the concerns expressed on the road issue were also discussed at the previous Solstice in 2004, and a local protest with lobbying in a town nearby had started to organise the previous year. Many people were for the road and the media bias was clear at this stage. The build up to these concerns began long before this. This is not delved into but could have been in greater detail in Diviney’s book and many groups around the world are aware of these events. In 2005 ‘The schedule of events for the Summer Solstice 2005 began with a dawn ritual organized by Adge, an Archdruid of the Hibernian Order of Druids’ a Druid order to which also Carmel Diviney belongs.(Bone, and the Farrars also attended) There were tensions between many groups who wished to form circles to protect Tara, and protection rituals or prayers for Tara have clearly failed at this event and subsequent, which gives rise to the effectiveness as to the power drawn down of the area, the disputed Lia fail which was actually put in place only in 1839 to 1845 is a phallic symbol to Baal, and not the Bethel stone which cries aloud when the true chieftain stands upon it. Tara’s real symbol is the Harp and the Princess Tea Tepi and the bardic tradition of law and poetry. A Human harp was formed on Tara Hill in September 2007, as the destruction or route had been laid out like scorched earth in December 2006/ January 2007, we will return to these points later in this article . The people conducting such protection rites surely failed and if anything the rituals seem to have hastened a spirit of capitulation, although perhaps the forces against the area were underestimated. Some attending in 2005 state the following in the article; “ The current route will require the destruction more than 50 Pagan-era graves of nobles and royals. Archaeological excavations have already begun immediately surrounding Tara to facilitate the planned destruction. The National Roads Authority considered ten different routes for the road before choosing the route closest to Tara Hill” “ No one disputes the need for the road, a commuter route to take workers from Meath into Dublin. Yet if the road is built as planned, Tara will be permanently changed by the noise, the pollution and the high-intensity lights. It seems that the sanctity of the site and the peace of the Pagan-era graves mean nothing to the current government” “The road development may mean that Solstice 2005 will be the last tranquil Midsummer’s Day dawning over Tara. However, the Druids and Witches organizing the ceremony decided that it would be best to focus on celebrating the holiday rather than using the occasion to publicly oppose the M3 route. And so everyone tried to enjoy the moment, savoring the fragile beauty and the proud history of Royal Tara” " After the ritual was over and we had packed everything back into our cars, international hugs exchanged, email addresses given and websites shared, we carefully drove back to Kells, down the congested N3. People kept honking at us, and Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone were sure that other Pagans were signalling their excitement at the glory of the occasion. However, as it happened, the brazier of bog oak continued to smolder in the trailer, threatening to set the Druidical robes alight. Was this a metaphor of the persistence of Pagan beliefs after two millennia of Christian oppression…..or perhaps of the intensity of the sun at midsummer? We had a good hearty laugh and doused it with water, secure in the knowledge that we were holding faith with our ancestors. After all, we had just done our ancestors proud on Tara Hill, in this new millennium of renewed Pagan worship” “Pagans” ? who accept the destruction of 50 sites, who do not dispute a road needs to be built over the dead ancestors ? who do not feel it is worthy to protest at a holiday (this is not the Irish precedent when it was used to unite the people in battle, even in contemporary days ?) They are neither Pagan or protestors or Christians either and many of the graves were early Christian. Obviously some people present at the 2005 Solstice who are mentioned in the article opposed this type of fluffy and sterile attitude which had crept onto the Hill of Tara. This was not our attitude in our group of 5. This disdain persists even within Irish groups as we read on; Looking back over reports of the Tara protest it is notable that the Irish police ‘An Garda Siochana’ were very active with Meath County Council and SIAC, Cintra or Eurolink or Ferrovial, and they put into a place a spying operation directed at some of the protestors (tapping phones and monitoring with security) entitled ‘Operation Bedrock’. There seems to be two or three protests occurring with two main camps. 1) on the Hill of Tara 2) on the Hill fort named as Rath Lugh which served as a protection site for the Hill of Tara in ancient and contemporary times.These camps seem to be in dispute with each other. Taking one example from Indymedia entitled “Parliamentary Questions asked about Garda 'Operation Bedrock” Dé Máirt Nollaig 11, 2007 13:47 or Tuesday 11 December 2007) and comment 3 by ‘Equally Frustrated’ who suggest some groups knew but kept quiet about the operation ? “It is quite clear now that Operation Bedrock is an 'ongoing' investigation, not a one day operation. This is serious business, that concerns all of us, so please don't drag your petty rivalries onto this thread. This is bigger than you, believe it or not... But now that you mention it, it is odd that you have been so quiet about it, instead of warning people. A lot of things about this campaign are suddenly becoming very clear, and we may in fact be getting closer to the real story of what has in fact been going on” Diviney points out that this operation which was challenged in the high court and defeated was a victory against it, but it was blacked out in the media, and much of the protest was also blacked out.It also raised some disturbing questions as to the protest itself.(Michael Finucane won a rare victory in court with this case) Implied in operation bedrock is the allegation that some of the protest and/or protesters were in operation bedrock themselves or they were in bed with the companies, the Garda or the private Garda and it is mentioned again in many threads in a further Indymedia page (read its threads) ‘Averting our eyes from crime at Tara’ (Déardaoin Iúil 19 2007 or July 19th 2007 by Terri Dale) Carmel Diveney is a contributor to the article as Carmel Ni Dhuibheanaigh, and as a member of the Hibernian Order Of Druids.(see comment 78) As mentioned and before the Direct action protest began in earnest in 2007, the protest was simultaneously announced as over in 2005 at the summer solstice, (as seen from the Tara Summer Solstice 2005 & and this was also announced (in part) by Michael McGrath who published this statement on October 2007. Michael McGrath is the Archdruid of Ireland and the ODI (order of druids in Ireland) who meet in unison with the HOOD or Hibernian order of Druids with Carmel Diviney who is also a member.(at least before they fell out at some point) under Melvyn Lloyd. of Hood who was born in England and was a vicar or deacon of some kind in Devon. McGrath of ODI, and HOOD (although ODI is an umbrella for many Druids) have an extraordinary debate. The following link ‘Tara pilgrimage 2006’ (Saturday June 06) which invites all to the 2006 summer solstice (pointing out it is not a protest but a celebration) This invite was 6 months before the destruction began (Dec 2006/Jan 2007) and it relates the accusations and counter accusations going back and forth. Mentioned by McGrath is the English born (in London) Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone.(who wanted a nice holiday and not a disturbing protest in 2005 above) Bone was a Corporal in the British Army (who feature as not wanting a protest but a road through Tara in the link already published see comment 16) McGrath suggests that they decided to wreck Irish druidry years ago, and in a ceremony on Tara, they burst into proceedings and shouted ‘Up the Republic’ (as of course Republics do not need Kings, but they do not support the Republic obviously) but who in fact with Bone were members of M15, and they decided to take over the Tara protest calling themselves ‘CDE’ . McGrath also, was at pains to point out that he is not a Nazi (an unfair/untrue accusation levelled against him) as he has American Jewish friends attending at the ceremony which was disturbed by Janet Farrar (See comment 14). By this point as the commentator named as ‘by equally frustrated” in comment 3 above you would have to ask what is going on. Other groups mentioned are Tara Watch, Save Tara, Save Tara Valley, Tara Pixie, Tara,Tara,Tara, Tarasolidaiy vigil and CST which was also a part of the protest. A further Druid, Con Connors also from England seems to have fallen out with everyone, and Michael McGrath who is also admonished by the Farrar’s is a dispute going back to 1998 Returning to Michael McGrath Archdruid of Ireland (who is defended in many threads against the abuse he receives) he published (as mentioned) the ODI statement on Tara which sets out the plan and purpose for opposing the road. Plan A (phase 1) Stop the road completely if possible with protest or legal means. Plan B (phase 2) If the road goes ahead or is diverted prevent development around it, and disguise the damage as far as it possible and make it beautiful, a inclination also shared with a local bookseller Michael Slavin who is next to the cafe on Tara Hill as also Diviney points out (Plan B from the beginning) Michael McGrath managed to bring representatives from the British Council of Druid Orders of Druids to Tara. It recognises the Irish druids and did oversee the BCDO growing out of the Ancient Order of Druids or AOD, an order which included Winston Churchill in its members. This fraternity in London, is connected to the British Israelites back in history which Diviney also mentions The British Council Druids Orders in late 2007 said in Liverpool (comment 8, & scroll down) “ The ODI is an External Associate of COBDO for Ireland, just as COBDO also has external associations in Scotland, Wales, Brittany, France, Holland and the U.S.A” “Council Members of the Council of British Druid Orders, COBDO, representing 18 Druid Orders and 17000 members, will discuss what they can do to help the situation on Tara against the M3 motorway at their Quarterly Council Meeting on Sunday at Liverpool. However, so as not to be seen involved in Irish internal affairs, which is the primary concern of the Council, they are already decided not to take part in the defence of Tara without invitation from the appropriate Irish Save Tara groups and campaigns. Many of the Members of British Druid Orders are in fact Irish, but they are bound by this decision of the Council, already taken ” Scroll down to the end in this link entitled ‘British Druids deliberate Tara at Liverpool on Sunday’… the whole article is entitled Tara: Lughnasagh full Moon by Rath Lugh An extraordinary stance to take on defending the Celtic Realms, the invite to participate was not given by save Tara groups ? in late 2007 ? why not ? if it was given why then was no assistance given ? did some people come anyway ? Considering William Butler Yeats and Maud Gonne are quoted in many places as having chased off the British Israelites from Tara Hill and a gun was fired, it seems a far cry for this zealous position. This seems like a mutually acceptable excuse to pull the wool over the eyes of the media. It also reveals that the road project was not just a case of severe corruption in Ireland but also one in which extreme pressure was brought to bear in Britain on the British COBDO not to officially participate ?. Ancient heritage site protection still has case law in Ireland from conservation measures brought about by its members in the late 1700 and 1800’s (members of the AOD in the Druid revival) .The COBDO had over 4 years to think about making this decision from 2003 when the following statement was made ? The motorway was contested because the route passes near the Hill of Tara and through the archaeologically rich Tara-Skryne valley or Gabhra. The planned route corridor was approved by An Bord Pleanála (Ireland's planning appeals board) in August 2003 ? In October 2007 Plan A was over (4 years since the legality was formalised by the planning board above) and was considered lost. Plan B or as McGrath calls it phase 2 was put into action. (you could say real protesters had a plan, the fake or those resigned to the road protestors worked to a 'phase') This (Plan B) seems to have been given a boost when a protection order was made by a Minister Gormley which was placed upon the nearby Rath Lugh (to the Hill of Tara), yet it seems the Rath Lugh camp did not feel it was sufficient in its area, scope or purpose as is set out in a survey of the damaged Rath on 14.2.2008 by a group named Gabhra Independent Archaeological Surveys (the river Gabhra runs nearby the Rath which has a Well running into the River). Minister Gormley has been asked to redefine the protection order which the next link relates. This damage is clearly seen from Tara Hill (see picture below) a shocking situation for such an Ancient site. The Rath Lugh protesters also built a tunnel under the road to prevent its construction.(see link below) Diviniy suggests that the Plan A (Plan A having failed, or phase 1 succeeded depending on your viewpoint) was to wait for the Irish general election in May 2007 (around the time the Henge at Rath Lugh was discovered or announced) After the election Gormley who was the new minister in a coalition as the Greens with Fianna Fail made his protection order, yet as stated it was insufficient, yet was the best he could do (with the proviso of limiting future development). It did not protect the site, but did assist phase 2 /plan B. After this election in May 2007, it still took 6 months for the protection order to appear around the discovered area in Oct 2007 ? which was already damaged ? This had the effect of making sure protesters did not return to Plan A perhaps. Diviney states that the direct action then was still to slow the road down ? but slowing the inevitable was not acceptable to some protesters (especially as the General Election had come and gone with no perceivable change to benefit the road) who wanted to wait no longer and return to Plan A, and a more rigorous direct action. She mentions there were tensions in this area, whilst the indymedia threads suggest this was the reason Rath Lugh camp broke away from the others. Further despite Michael McGrath's claim that no one had come forth to challenge the legality of the road, the survey above was also used in a High Court attempt to prevent the roads advance as late as March 2008. (a year after the official protest was disbanded, i.e. by a group named Gabhra Independent Archaeological Surveys ) The high court injunction attempt was heavily criticised by Tara Watch who in turn were criticised for advising on the sidelines and not bringing a case themselves (in this instance in 2008 and even in 2004 – 2007 successfully). The case was given leave to appeal but this was not taken up. Critics state it should not have gone ahead but other court cases had already tried and failed. Interestingly the Survey points to an older date for Rath Lugh's walled enclosure, and it seems to collate the facts professionally. March 2008 court case;cat=irissues;id=265 A failed legal challenge was previously taken by protester Vincent Salafia of TaraWatch, who dropped a Supreme Court appeal last October 2006 (3 years after the legality was formalised) after the state decided not to pursue his legal costs totalling around €600,000. Challenging the National Monuments Act amended which was ironically brought into being due to previous failed court case by Vincent Salafia at a protest called Carrickmines. Early threads and media by Vincent Salafia in 2005 suggested Protestors should hold off in case they are considered marginalised hippies, or undesirables etc, they in turn those who this view of being the village idiots (see comment 72) This is near to the date when the Video, 'The Tara Conspiracy' was made which details TD Martin Cullen's new law allowing him (as the state) to destroy any monument (including Salafias carrickmines defence, Martin Cullen was open to bribes and manipulation due to adultery and divorce allegations ) it wishes, passed in 2004 !! ( a very severe unusual law for any country) . Yet the advice, including from Salafia is too hold fire (until after the court case ?) don't rock the boat, but as the world has seen and knew anyway, protest supports a campaign in the courts or out. Yet this seems to follow the advice of Farrar and Bone in the 2005 Solstice, the phase 2 attitude etc. It seems that legal challenges on the facts or on emotions or both were not heeded unless a more powerful political party was behind it ! (i.e. the high court challenge to Operation Bedrock by Micahel Financune) Following this in Aug 2007 (4 years after the road legalities were formalised) Michael Canney and 'An Taisce' also had an unsuccessful high court case, which was also appealed in the Supreme Court, but dropped the appeal in the Supreme court. and revealing comments Failed court cases, druids in Britain and Ireland shrugging off the road and its implications away, hold fire, what indeed is going on ?. One implication present with us today is any plan made by any group for Heritage or Unesco World heritage inclusion would have to precedent a double tolled road going through its protected area ? including Carmel Diveney and TPSG. Why allow Phase 1 to begin at all ? why allow phase 2 ? Accusations that CST and Save Tara Campaign (STC) deliberately kept quiet on the operation bedrock spying and bugging operation, which ultimately would have threatened the Rath Lugh camp are central to the protests problems. Keeping quiet would only have aided any infiltrators in the Tara camp or Rath Lugh camp, but since they were campaigning to Save Tara why would they (CST) keep it quiet ? (see comments 21, 22 , 23) and why had they (CST or Tarawatch) failed to prevent sites from being damaged. (Baronstown, Collierstown, Roestown Dowdstown and others were known of from 2006 see later) Further in comments 23 -24-25 it states that Tarawatch made the discovery of the Henge at Rath Lugh public in 2007, yet “Real Campaigner” comment 21 suggested that it was STC who actually made it public. Perhaps the fact that many companies (see Golder Associates mining further on) wished to inspect the area (and had since 2001) at Rath Lugh and the fact protesters had decided to camp there (instead of Tara Hill) meant that its 'discovery' (the henge) would have to be announced, as the place could not be plundered under the eyes of protesters who refused to play the game? (at Rath Lugh) Announcing the discovery would have all kinds of implications, court hearings, press and legalities. CST wondered what to do about the discovery which they “sat on” for a month in February / March 2007 (not public knowledge, but no instant injunction brought forward in any case by CST ? or Tarawatch see comments 24 - 27) CST through one of their “NRA contacts” (Government National Roads Association who were also the Archaeologists for the road ? !) were informed of the Henge. It is clear also that the tunnel dug by protestors on Rath Lugh a year later was kept quiet from CST, Tara watch and the Tara Hill camp on which Carmel Diviney was camped (she states) CST slowly ejected members (the threads reveal) until they ran the campaign but without others knowing they what they were doing having become an “elite inner circle” connected to the Green party and the left.(who are accused of betraying Tara).The Irish general election was in May 2007 surely it would have better to announce its discovery in March 2007 (or even in the years before ?, when it was surely known lismullen was a sacred site of antiquity) but CST or others sat on it as the Rath Lugh camp increased in numbers, after it was announced, although many inconvenient protestors were there before ! The insufficient Rath Lugh protection order made by the minister who was a Green Party member, and a part of this land on which the Henge rests is owned by Opus Dei. The tradition from the earliest monks and Dominicans and to Skyrne, also has a Christian heritage in the area, and excavating it would not be an easy matter. (see also comment 29 ) McGrath as mentioned suggested there had been many attempts to ruin Irish druidry.? Many critics state Conor Newman's survey of Rath Lugh, (which Diviney states Rath Lugh was missing from OS maps in April 2007) was underplayed and surveyed as of only moderate importance, whilst others suggested it was in fact a Royal Tomb and grand burial centre, with built walls and entrance. Others state it was not the actual Rath of Lugh, as Lugh who is interred at Uisneach far off ? Was operation bedrock also an operation by the NRA (national roads authority?) and archaeologists and private security to monitor the findings ? much of which seems to have disappeared (Gold, Jewellery and large items which the Rath Lugh camp suggest was stolen away elsewhere, including human remains of graves and Raths) Without a presence there would we have known as much about it. Michael McGrath had stated in 2007 on ‘Phase 2’ i.e. Plan B; " Good Druids and Colleagues All, It is my sad duty to inform you all, as Archdruid of Ireland, that the Battle to Save Tara is legally over. The PPP Contract to construct the M3 Motorway through the Tara Valley has been signed between the National Roads Authority, Agency of the Irish Government on the one part, and Eurolink, the main contractors on the other. Actual construction work may therefore legally proceed. Only another legal challenge to the High Court in Dublin could possibly delay/halt that motorway via Tara now, and nobody has come forth to issue such legal challenge. I regret to be the bearer of bad tidings but that is my duty as Archdruid of Ireland, to tell the honest truth, however unpopular, to you all. The Battle for Tara is over. However, and there is always an "however", I have plans for a Phase Two, which shall be outlined to the world under the Title and Organisation of "Keep Tara Beautiful" and those who wish to join this new crusade may email me personally for details. I have waited for St. Patrick's Day to pass to bring these sad tidings. There are Druids and Friends on the Hill of Tara right now, still, after a successful festival and poetry readings throughout St. Patrick's Day, too, keeping the Old Spirit alive. Among them is the Archdruid of Tara, Gina McGarry, among those conducting a sort of rearguard action to "Save Tara" but that campaign is history now, proud history, an Honourable Defeat when it took the Irish Government, the Main Opposition Party, Dail and Seanad, the Courts, the Garda (Irish Police) and all the powers of the State to defeat us - That is how powerful Druidry may be once again in the Island of Ireland, ancient Home of the Druids, that is how proud we may be ". Clearly the Rath Lugh action camp were out to return to Plan A, they it seems, did not trust any group. But were any of these protestors infiltrators from the security companies? The Rath Lugh protest was out of line with the British Druids and the Irish druids (most). Despite all the different groups and plans, the road went ahead, with people on both Islands ‘supporting’ Tara but resigned to the roads advance with a plan afterwards to clean it up and make it look as best it could. The public in Ireland were polled and 85% preferred an alternative route. Much of the protest except Rath Lugh camp was resigned to the fact that 50 (some quotes say 60 in the end) archaeological sites and graves would be destroyed ? known from 2004 ? (and CST state from 2003) Carmel Diviney shows that the route chosen, despite other area’s being surveyed was the longest and most winding route of all possibilities. A route which is a double toll, which if the toll does not make its profit targets, the shortfall has to be made up by the taxpayer to some obscure Spanish business consortium? A route which provided maximum excavation area. Is it safe to say that the event over many solstices was more than just a road but also an excavation and a search for something special Golder Associates It seems also that many of the sites were surveyed in 2001 and 2002 and 2007, from reading the Indymedia threads and connected websites. Carmel Diveneys book is well researched and compiled and her current attention and activities to protecting Tara and the wider area, which is vast and does not just cover the 100 acres of public land (which is public and common ground for all to visit and admire) known as Tara Hill is a worthy project. The Tara / Skyrne Preservation Group and landscape project is in essence the realised Plan B (in effect) mentioned by Michael McGrath and known as required from 2003 onwards and by the varied and numerous groups attending at Tara in 2005 Anrai O’Raghallaigh commenting in Indymedia in 2006 speaking of the Summer 2005 solstice (with Farrar and Bone see near the beginning) in which he estimates there were 700 druids attending, and at which i attended (see comment 23 at ) comments that the ritual performed by the Farrars and Bone in which the HOOD, Hibernian Order of Druids also officiated was uninspiring. “After an hour or so I got bored with ritual that had more in common with British Freemasonry” which is not a comment against Freemasonry but against the ritual bieng formal. The Tara / Skyrne Preservation Group’s symbol is also a symbol of Freemasonry being the Brazen Serpent (and Knight of) around the Tau cross. TPSG images Carmel Divineys book also touches on the unusual story of the British Israelite's desecration of Tara in 1900 and before. The total story is told in Mariad Carews book "Tara and the Ark of the Covenant" The excavations in search of the Ark was ordered from London into Dublin and then into Meath by members of the Freemason’s, until public outcry became too difficult to manage, and because some of the Freemasons preferred to excavate in a less obtrusive manner, an aspiration which did not transpire. It seems on that occasion they were not successful but they vowed to continue the search.(but when and how would they defeat any outcry) The British Israelites descended through Joseph and David view Ireland and Britain and Spain and wider as a receptacle for the lost tribes of Israel. Whilst Divineys book is admirable and a revealing insight into the events at Tara and the surrounding landscape. The event with the protection order at the fort at Rath Lugh in October 2007 made by a Minister Gormley reveals much about the state of Irish planning, the land and area is no better legally protected that it was in 2003 to 2010. It is incredible that before the road began these sites were known, yet they were hastily archaeologically dug with Bulldozers waiting just behind the archaeologists and preserved by record under Tarmac, this is scandalous and Diviney points out that many troubles have come into Ireland and the World since that time (financial recession etc) suggesting that Tara has a power of some kind, yet this power did not prevent a road and diggings into the Hill of Tara ? Does she mean the excavations unleashed power of some kind ? but this would suggest a different energy than the Hill of Tara dormant energy (as before the road began). It is ininteresting that Flinders Petrie's map shows the Lia Fail (or a lia fail) as placed nearer to the Mound of the Hostages and not in the royal circles in 1837, this confirms that the stone currently in place is not the original Lia Fail (but a stone raised to Baal) or that it was moved to the circles area in the mid 1850s (as mentioned) Flinders Petrie maps There is a stone still in this position near the Mound of the Hosatges albiet buried and hidden. This is confirmed by Wakemans plan of 1900 / 1901 which shows the (or a stone) in the cricle of Tara ?, which is not in place in Flinders Petrie of 1837 ? (and not of antiquity therefore) moved or replaced / renamed in the 1850's putting out the fires of Tara ? which some claim also occured when the church of Tara ( which has the bloc and bluicne stones in the churchyard which were also previously located on top of the banqueting hall (see Flinders Petrie again ) The Church ground sand wall is built onto the Rath na Seanad Temple just outside the church walls, the church was built in 1822 ! and adjacent to the Temple and stones, which could have been altered or removed at this point (see also in the pictures uploaded) Is Tea Tephi ( Qasr Bint el Yehudi the Jewsih Princess) buried on Tara near the Mound of the Hostages near Rath na Seanad or elsewhere ? Is the story fabricated ? or very real Surely protection in the spiritual must be considered, yet that protection failed or was misaligned, and the Bethel stone is it still at Tara s or at Newgrange. Ireland is not the only country with heritage problems, (even in my home town of Wales there are similar but less complex problems due to previous planning total community decisions enacted) but if the corruption which enabled the road to proceed and rake in Millions (underwritten by the Irish Government, should the road fail and signs are it is not doing well Diviney states) by a double Toll, could have been built on any of the proposed routes not just one, in which 50 (at least ) known sites were placed. Therefore it was a corrupt destructive project, but it was also a search and a destructive dig into the past and theft. Pressure was put on the British druids. If random treasure troves are lucrative? why not excavate site by site with non-invasive methods (the tchnology is improving every day) surely the tactics were to locate something special. A search is continuing (Tara discovery programme which has something called a preservation conservation plan which is phase 2, plan b ), they are using non- invasive methods, but the Discovery programme who particpated in Baronstown, and CST (see above) knew of Baronstown (Baronstown, Collierstown, Roestown Dowdstown and others were known of from 2006) in 2006 and yet it now lies under Tarmac ? after its conservation plan ? The discovery programme was set up in 1991 by Fianna Fail. Slowly Duchas and other institutions went by the way and it is all tht is left, and Ireland is discovering its heritage is gone ? (Discovery programme took over from National Road Authority archaeologists etc) The clients could be anyone, anywhere. The level of corruption meant anything was possible, but a road enabled land and adjoining land to be searched also.Irish resources are subverted from the inside controlled from without through the planning system. This escapade however was something deeper than just corruption, curiosity or destruction but had an ancient purpose. The public owned Hill of Tara was guarded by private security in the following solstices, and it may be that this public land will come under a new form of government ownership which will be formal, spiritless and controlled. Carmel Diviney points out that the Tara debacle may have changed planning attitudes around the world, but is she prepared to formalise a landscape project (the realised phase 2 in its completeness) in which its nature is stifled and its fires are possibly extinguished, this is the catch 22 question, which is further complicated by a failed protest in one sense (under the lia fail on Divineys book cover) which in part may have had successes due to other forces. The Druids Much has been debated about the Druids in this article and the Indymedia items and threads, and it is claimed that the Druids are simply a modern invention beginning sometime around the mid 1700’s. Many people contributed to the resurgence of druidism or neo – druidism in this period and one man who stands out amongst them is William Stukeley. Critics of this view state he mistakenly attributed the megalithic monuments to the druids. The three age system of stone age, bronze age & metal age purposed in 1820 – 1830 would have been accepted by Stukeley although he lived earlier (1687 – 1765) he correctly attributed Stonehenge with the Solstices and sketched and documented Stonehenge and Avebury in 1740 and 1743. He would have suggested that the three ages overlap on some levels of advanced architecture. He became a freemason in 1721, and he was also a priest in the Church of England. Many druids are also Christians. John Wood the elder, a contemporary of Stukeleys also surveyed the site in 1740 and both drawings’ show the southwest trilithon standing, they were supposed to have collapsed in 1797 (but were restored in the 1950’s again) Curiously there are differences between Stukeley and Woods drawings. Woods was also a freemason born in Yorkshire and designer of the Circus, Queen Square and Royal Crescent in bath.(Sun, Moon and the Key) Stonehenge has been dated from anywhere between 500 bc to 3000 bc (generally accepted is 2400 bc) The Stones themselves are named as originating mostly in South West Wales at Prescelly Hills in Pembrokeshire, but also from local sources for some of the stones, yet some stones have an unknown origin. There are mythical tales that Giants brought them from Africa to set up on Salisbury plain for their healing qualities. Others attribute the stones to the Phoenicians or Babylonians who constructed the design many millennia ago. The most curious explanation for the Stones arises from an Arthurian tale in which an invading army of Britons into Ireland tried to remove the Stonehenge which was erected there and take it back to Briton. They were unable to move the stones, and had to enlist the help of Merlin, who by use of Magic as opposed to brute force, removed the stones and erected them in Salisbury plain exactly (astronomically accurate also) as they had been in Ireland. The location of the Irish Stonehenge was Mount Killaraus, which some say was near Naas or Kildare town whilst others place Mount Killarus on the Mountains of Mourne. There are stones near and around Salisbury known as the Heel stone or Sun stone and a further legend tells of how one large stone fell into the Avon.or some stones were used at the Avebury site. This is supposed to have occurred between 300 and 500 ad. Legends suggest that the Stones were taken from Uisneach (the centre of Ireland), which is near locations mentioned above, but Uisneach extends outwards, as it was the main Druids hill over the vast area south of Tara and west along the river Boyne. Due to the large amount of information accumulating on the web, it has come to the notice of many interested in ancient themes that there is more than a legend of a disappeared stone henge in Ireland but an actual recorded survey of one. It is here and is based in mid east Ireland located roughly in between Kildare and the Mountains of Mourne, near a townland called Ballynahattin in County Louth. It clearly show a large henge (130 metres wide) having existed in its circle and impression. There has been much discussion, puzzlement and controversy in discussions and internet debate. The area was surveyed and discussed in Thomas Wrights ‘Louthania’ published in London first in 1746. Thomas Wright was also a freemason but he was not granted fellowship at the Royal Society, although he applied. Stukeley was also a member of the Royal Society. Stukeleys book/survey on Stonehenge was published in 1743, although he surveyed Stone henge from 1720 forward. John Wood the elder surveyed Stonehenge in 1740. All 3, Stukeley, Wood and Wright knew each other. Is it possible that Louth was the original Stonehenge ? and parts of it were taken to Salisbury to help the re-build of the incomplete Stone henge in Salisbury. Did Shakespeare mention Stonehenge ? Ancient mention of it is inconclusive, as of course there are many (thousands) of disc areas (as Stukeley called them) or circular mounds with large stones nearby. It is certainly true that many Irish forests especially the Oak forests disappeared from Ireland vast amounts of hectares over hundreds of miles to become the great warships and buildings of Britain, why not large stones imported to the docks. If Stukeley re-invented the Druids or Neo Druids as it is claimed, then he would have had to re-invent the Arthurian legends (Geoffrey of Monmouth and the Black book of Carmarthen for example, the latter describes Authur as a folk hero not a Roman/Celtic King) and of course Stukeley would have had to re-invent Merlin. If this is true it shows how superior the Irish/Scots builders were, and why there knowledge and constructions should be preserved not by record but on view restored. (Plan A) Interactive map showing stones additions and movements at Stonehenge. the more debate and reflections. Other thoughts Rath LughRath Lugh TPSGTPSG Rath Lugh as seen from Tara HillRath Lugh as seen from Tara Hill Wakeman map of Tara 1900/01 showing Lia Fail in the enclosed Tara cicles but Flinders Petrie maps show it was next to the Mound of the Hostages (there is a stone still there today) so is the lia fial the actual lia fail stone of destiny ? map of Tara 1900/01 showing Lia Fail in the enclosed Tara cicles but Flinders Petrie maps show it was next to the Mound of the Hostages (there is a stone still there today) so is the lia fial the actual lia fail stone of destiny ? Baronstown known of since 2006 or well before this date in 2004/2005 (1.5 years or more before the battle of soldiers hill)Baronstown known of since 2006 or well before this date in 2004/2005 (1.5 years or more before the battle of soldiers hill) Like Like Love Haha Wow Sad Angry CommentShare 1313 62 comments 1 share Comments 15 of 62 View previous comments Almlodth Llewelyn Almlodth Llewelyn Council Members of the Council of British Druid Orders, CoBDO, representing 18 Druid Orders and 17000 members, will discuss what they can do to help the situation on Tara against the M3 motorway at their Quart...See more British Druids deliberate Tara at Liverpool on Sunday - Tara: Lughnasagh full Moon by Rath Lugh - In INDYMEDIA.IE 20 November 2014 at 01:21 · Like · 1 Almlodth Llewelyn Almlodth Llewelyn Anrai O’Raghallaigh commenting in Indymedia in 2006 speaking of the Summer 2005 solstice (with Farrar and Bone see near the beginning) in which he estimates there were 700 druids attending, and at which i attended (see comment 23 at ) The Truth about Tara 1993 - 2005 - Tara Pilgrimage 2006 - Indymedia Ireland This year the summer solstice is on wednesday the 21st of June. You may invoke your rights of freedom of association and assembly to be on Tara Hill for a day and a night under - (i) BUNREACHT NA h EIREANN, to visit and enjoy National Monuments in Ireland, (ii) The Convention for the Protection of H… INDYMEDIA.IE 20 November 2014 at 01:21 · Like · 1 Almlodth Llewelyn Almlodth Llewelyn 2005 solstice 700 druids attended i was there (detailed in the note above), in 2007 the CoDBO represented 17000 members (but 50,000 attend midsummers) thats a lot of individuals who all knew i...See more Witchvox Article The Witches' Voice offers the latest (updated daily) in news and networking for the Modern Witch, Wiccan and Pagan Community. WITCHVOX.COM 20 November 2014 at 01:26 · Like · 1 Almlodth Llewelyn Almlodth Llewelyn But that aside (and i have heard of the lack of a pot or spud in the RL camp) since many were not fooled by the buffoonery in part of any of the protest on any level, and since this was a serious business costing nearly a billion with future profits, p...See more 20 November 2014 at 14:57 · Li AUTHORMEDIA.CO.UK Carmel Diviney - Tara Calling - Virtual Book Tour Join Carmel Diviney on her Virtual Book Tour with her first book, Tara Calling: The Desecration of a Sacred Landscape, 24 Nov - 7 Dec 2014. 22 People reached 18 Engagements Distribution score Boost a Post 44 5 shares Like Comment Share 0 comments Comment as The Order of Druids in Ireland

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